Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Some days are better than others

Some days you wake up with her complaining,
some sunny days you wish it was raining,
some days are sulky, some days have a grin
And some days have bouncers and won't let you in

U2 - Some Days Are Better Than Others

Moods are a funny thing  and can change like the weather. I had a very upbeat day yesterday and I came up with lots of reasons to be happy. I meant every one of them. Yet, today I woke up with an unsettling and unshakeable feeling of ennui. I have rationalised it, I think. As the day wore on and the sun broke through the clouds my mood became increasingly restless and a little bit sad. I believe that this was due to having spent some of my day yesterday discussing what I didn't ever think I would be discussing at the age of 42; how best to keep me alive. Todays latter glorious weather I believe made me sad because as it is late summer I was acutely aware of the fact that these sunny afternoons were coming to an end. I love summer and the sun. In late summer I always sit out whenever possible. I do this with a hint of melancholy at the best of times, but normally I tell myself that it's OK as summer will be here again. I think this is where I  stumbled today. I asked myself  if summer really would be here again for me. I tried not to enter into this dangerous zone but I did. I let my mind go the dark side for a while. I found myself thinking ridiculous thoughts like, what will I do with all of my lovely summer clothes if I don't live until next summer. It's good to know that I can still be shallow in profound moments! I also let my mind wander into the awful "how will I cope on my death bed" scenario. None of it good. I was humbled today and reminded that living with incurable cancer is not easy and it's wholly unpredictable. It takes a lot sometimes to stand up to it and not be beaten by it. My blogs are mainly positive and this is an honest account at all times, but today I gave in to a wee bit of sadness and I thought that I would share it. Tomorrow is another day.

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